Why Your Business Presentation Needs a Story

Why Your Business Presentation Needs a Story

You want to build credibility and be seen as the go-to expert in your zone of genius. You’ve been working hard to craft a high-value presentation that positions you as the authority in your industry.

However, you’re struggling to craft it in a way that feels authentic AND effective. You don’t want to feel like an emotionless robot delivering snooze-worthy statistics but the thought of delivering an emotional talk that brings your audience to tears is terrifying. 

The good news? There’s a middle ground between boring powerpoints and emotional sobfests and that is where your perfect presentation is hiding.

As a business owner leveraging speaking to scale your business, you want your presentation to both position you as the authority and inspire your audience to take action. 

You can quickly elevate any speaking presentation with a few strategically placed stories.

Stories help our audience better understand our teaching points, illustrate what’s possible for them, and make a deeper connection. 

If You Think You Don’t Have a Story, You’re Wrong.

If you read the word “story” and immediately mumbled, “I don’t have a big story to tell,” or “What’s my story have to do with my subject?” We need to address that, first.

You don’t need to tell an overly dramatic tear-jerker every time you step on stage. Not everyone has one of those and they certainly won’t be applicable in every scenario.

You need a story that will show the audience that you’re skilled in your area of expertise and have once been in their shoes. You understand where they’re at right now and have valuable insight to help them take a leap forward.


Stories help us break down the wall between you and your audience and level the playing field. When you step onto a stage your audience unconsciously places you on a pedestal. It’s up to you to kick that pedestal over and put yourself on a leveled playing field with your audience.

If you try to position yourself as an untouchable expert, you’re furthering the divide with your audience. This makes it more intimidating for potential clients to come to you for help, share their failures or fears with you, or to hire you.

Instead of being an expert in the spotlight, aim to be an ally on your audience’s journey. Be the mentor just a few steps ahead rather than the celebrity they can not access.

Not sure what story you should be sharing in your presentation? Check out “How to Share a Story Your Audience Actually Cares About” 


Why Your Business Presentation Needs a Story

How Stories Build Your Authority


You can be an expert speaker that people listen to or one that they take action on. If you jump into your educational content without making a human connection (without first leveling the playing field) your audience may not feel as though they have permission to take action.

By breaking down barriers with your audience, your educational content becomes more effective. Your transformation feels more attainable, and your audience is more likely to connect or work together further.

If you don’t break down those barriers, your audience may worry that you’re too far ahead and what worked for you couldn’t possibly work for them. They may wonder, “Who am I to try that? It couldn’t possibly work for me.” They become passive bystanders in the audience.

We’re not in the business of chasing fame or recognition. We’re in the business of delivering transformations. Good stories help us deliver transformations for our audience.

By sharing a story that illustrates, “I was in your exact shoes, and this is the path I took,” along with your educational content, it gives your audience permission, inspiration, and a call-to-action to take action on your advice. If done thoughtfully, this delivers a real transformation for your audience that you can be proud of.

Think about when you were in your audience’s shoes, and how you were feeling at that time. What would have inspired you to take action? Tell that story to illustrate, “I’ve been there too.”

Need help crafting your story like a pro? Download our free workbook and get started today!


If you take nothing else from this message today, remember this: Your story matters. Your journey can act as a roadmap for others who are in the trenches. Don’t be afraid to share it - it only makes you MORE credible.

How are YOU weaving your story into your presentation. Tell me about it in the comments or share it on Instagram and tag me (@JessicaRasdall) so that I can cheer you on as you share your message with the people who need to hear it the most!

jessica rasdall

Jessica Rasdall | Public Speaking Strategist



As a professional speaker and public speaking strategist, she partners with business owners to craft stories and presentation that connect with their dream clients and help them grow their business from the stage.

Learn More About Jessica, Here

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