Business Mentor Jessica Rasdall


I know you have a message the world needs to hear.

I’ve spent the last 17 years traveling the country, sharing my story, and have been featured on major media outlets such as ABC 20/20, Katie Couric, MTV, The Today Show, Netflix, and many more.

But none of this was ever in my plans.

I was just a college freshman with a business scholarship. I thought I had the whole world ahead of me. But then I made a decision that shattered the lives of more people than can ever be measured: I drank, drove, and killed my best friend. 

I couldn’t change what happened. I couldn’t bring her back — and I was solely to blame for that. The only thing I could do was prevent others from repeating my mistake.

That’s when I set out on a mission to share my message and raise awareness across the country. I reached more than 15,000 young adults before I was sentenced to prison.

If there’s one thing I learned from this journey, it’s this: Your message matters. And someone, somewhere, is waiting to hear it. They just need you to be their ray of hope.

So, my question to you is:

Are you ready to ditch your comfort zone, roll up your sleeves,
and put in the work to serve people from the stage?

If your answer is, ‘Heck yeah, I am!’ then it’s time to own your story, step onto the stage, and impact the masses.

Hold on tight, friend. You’re about to embark on that journey you’ve been dreaming about for years.



Jessica Rasdall As Seen On



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Named one of the top small business experts to watch in 2018 and the founder of one of the top websites for solopreneurs in 2020, Jessica Rasdall is helping small business owners scale their impact and income through tried-and-tested communication strategies. As a Best Selling Author, Motivational Speaker, host of The Speak to Scale Podcast, Jessica partners with small business owners to help them scale their business (and impact) from the stage.

Jessica has shared her story of turning her “mess into a message” for fifteen years and has been featured on major international media outlets such as ABC's 20/20, Katie Couric, The Guardian, MTV, Netflix, and many more. When Jessica was a freshman in college, she made a life-altering decision that resulted in the death of her best friend. In an effort to raise awareness, cope with her guilt and keep her friend’s memory alive, she began sharing her story. Jessica spoke to over 15,000 young adults across the country before she was sentenced to prison.

Today, Jessica is fiercely dedicated to helping small business owners craft stories and presentations that connect with their audience and stand out in a crowded market